Your ideas are FABULOUS!!! I really enjoyed looking through your blog. I would love to learn more about your program. Where are you located? Very impressed, Christie Schnabel
You are so kind. I have to keep my location anonymous on the blog, but I'll get you an email address. or I'll google you. Thanks for your comment, you made my night.
The Studio is a highly academic preschool with a strong emphasis on art and reading. We focus on a letter a week, and start reading from day one. Every day, we do creative projects based on an artistic style, medium, method, or a specific artist that is centered around the week's letter. Even our snacks are determined by the letter of the week as are our social studies, science, and math skills. I provide everything for preschool, we don't take field trips, and I have a fabulous proven phonics system, that will almost guarantee that your child will be reading by the end of the school year. With tons of art projects, celebration days, and learning in a fun creative environment, your child will love their time spent at The Studio.
Your ideas are FABULOUS!!! I really enjoyed looking through your blog. I would love to learn more about your program. Where are you located?
Very impressed,
Christie Schnabel
You are so kind. I have to keep my location anonymous on the blog, but I'll get you an email address. or I'll google you. Thanks for your comment, you made my night.
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