Wow, the last couple of months have been absolutely crazy!! My amazing parents have been here day and night doing floors, cabinets, baseboards, everything under the sun to help me get the studio up and going. We finally finished everything, and it's awesome!!!! I love it so much. I will never be able to repay my parents for their non-stop efforts on my behalf. I hope I can be such a cool parent. So anyway, I started class last week and can I just say, what a fun job!! I love it. My kids are so stinking cute, and funny, and creative, and it's like having a small craft party every day. I know that's not for everyone, but chaos, paint, lots of chatter, playing, funny questions, scissors, stories, and everything that goes along with it is so my cup of tea. I haven't gotten permission from my parents to post pictures of the kids yet, but I'll post pictures of the finished preschool and bathroom. My mom did all of the tile, she's so good! My dad did all of the finished carpentry, and as only my dad could do, he showed up with a small pallet, four different colors of paint, and a couple of brushes, and did a perfect touch up job on a pre-finished wood baseboard, in oil of course. It looks so good!!! I have to write a couple of funny things my kids have said. We had just come home from camping the day before school started, and my house was a wreck So, I'm traipsing the kids through my disaster, and I asked the kids "does your house ever look like this after vacation?" and hooray for you moms, EVERY CHILD except my own looked at me all sorts of confused and said "no." one little girl said "my mom would die if my house got this messy, she would make my sister clean it because she never goes with us anyway." hee hee hee. another little asked me that same day, "why don't you just give your kids some jobs, then they will clean it." ok, so I needed to clean up!!! No worries, it's done. This is going to be a great year.