Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Toooooooooooo much cutting!!

I'm learning how to do this every day. Today for example I learned that 10 animals is too many for preschoolers to cut out! After about four, they were whining and not excited about the project any more. Oh well, it's worth laughing at. Speaking of laughing, I heard the funniest thing today. One of the kids, a cute and tiny girl, was hiding under a blanket. Another kid pulled the blanket off of her, quite innocently, and the tiny little girl let out a small growl and said through her teeth "Uugghh!! You ruined my evil plan!!!" I totally laughed out loud, which didn't make her any happier, but then we had snacks, and who can be sad while eating a chocolate animal cookie?

1 comment:

Angela Fielding said...

Everything looks so beautiful!And you sound like you are having a blast! I love hearing what your kids say!Hillarious!