I hear the funniest stuff sometimes. I need to write them down so that I can blog the cute stuff that comes out of these little mouths. I always think I'll remember, and I never do. This one I jotted down. These two cute kids were talking about their last year preschool experiences.
(I might note that neither child was in my preschool last year.)#1 Well, my teacher was mad at me EVERY DAY!!
#2 MY teacher was mad at me every day AND I got suspended even!
#1 Well, I was in time out and that is even badder.
#2 Nuh, uh, suspended is badder because my mom and dad got so mad at me, and I went in time out all the time at preschool, and they didn't get mad at me for that.
(Satisfied that kicked out probably was badder, the conversation went on to the teachers.)#1 Well my teacher was so mad all the time.
#2 My teacher was mad too, at everyone, not just me.
#1 My teacher was mad AND mean.
............................................ and so it goes. Don't even ask, I won't tell you. he he he he he